Kotohira Bus Co., Ltd.


Privacy Policy

Kotohira Bus Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) recognizes that clearly defining the philosophy of personal information protection and appropriately handling personally identifiable information (personal information) is a social responsibility in the operation of our transportation and travel services. Based on the following points, we will protect, maintain, and respect the personal information we hold.

Established: December 1, 2017
Last Revised: February 1, 2019
Kotohira Bus Co., Ltd. CEO: Taijiro Kusunoki

Personal Information Protection and Complaint Consultation Office

Personal Information Protection and Complaint Consultation Office Kotohira Bus Co., Ltd. Personal Information Protection Manager
TEL:0877-73-3331 FAX:0877-73-5946 E-mail: info@kotobus.com

Certified Personal Information Protection Organization

Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community (JIPDEC) Personal Information Protection Complaint Consultation Room
Phone Number:03-5860-7565 Toll-Free:0120-700-779(Weekdays 9:30-12:00, 13:00-16:30)

Handling of Personal Information

1.Announcement of Purpose of Use

In accordance with Article 18, Paragraph 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, the Company announces that it will use personal information entrusted by customers within the scope of the following purposes:

Personal Information Handled Retained
Personal Data
Purpose of Use
  • Personal information of customers who applied or inquired via the Company’s website or telephone
  • Personal information of customers who applied through travel agencies for bus tours or express buses planned and operated by the Company


  • Contact with customers
  • Responding to inquiries
  • Arranging transportation and accommodation for the trips applied by customers and procedures necessary to receive these services
  • Sending direct mail or email newsletters from the Company to those who have agreed
  • Personal information of customers provided by other companies for various tours or express buses planned by those companies

Not Applicable

  • Arranging transportation and accommodation for the trips applied by customers and procedures necessary to receive these services
  • Sending direct mail or email newsletters from the Company to those who have agreed
  • Information of job applicants


  • Recruitment selection and communication with applicants
  • Information of employees


  • Personnel, payroll, labor welfare, and other necessary operations for employee management (including officers)
  • Personal identification number (My Number)


  • Personal identification number related affairs
  • Information generated from transactions with the Company via telephone or other means
  • Business card information of individuals who exchanged business cards with Company employees


  • Communication with business partners
  • Contract management operations

※ For matters not listed above, the purpose of use and contact information will be clearly indicated when personal information is obtained. Personal information will not be used beyond the scope of the stated purpose without the customer’s consent.

2.Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Company will provide personal information entrusted by customers to the extent necessary for arranging travel services or insurance procedures under the travel contract as follows:

  • Recipients
    Passenger transportation providers, accommodations, insurance companies, etc.
  • Personal Information Provided
    Customer's name, gender, age, address, contact information (phone number, email address, mobile phone number, etc.)
  • Means or Method of Provision
    Email, telephone, fax

3.Outsourcing the Handling of Personal Information

The Company may outsource the handling of personal information within the necessary scope to achieve the purpose of use.

4.Requests for Disclosure, etc. of Retained Personal Data and Inquiries about Personal Information

The Company will respond to requests from the individual for notification of purpose, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion, suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as "disclosure, etc.") of personal information provided. Please contact the following [Consultation Office] for requests for disclosure, etc. Detailed information will be provided separately.

【Consultation Office】
Kotohira Bus Co., Ltd. Personal Information Protection Manager
TEL:0877-73-3331 FAX:0877-73-5946 E-Mail: info@kotobus.com

5.Voluntary Provision of Personal Information

Providing personal information is voluntary; however, if not provided, the Company may not be able to respond to inquiries.

6.Obtaining Personal Information in a Manner Not Easily Recognized by the Individual

The Company’s website uses cookies for session management.

7.Security Measures

The Company will take security measures to prevent and rectify risks such as leakage, loss, or damage of personal data and specific personal information. For details on specific security measures, please refer to "Security Measures".

8.The Company is a subject business operator of the following certified personal information protection organization based on Article 47 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information:

【Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community (JIPDEC)】
1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032 Roppongi First Building
Personal Information Protection Complaint Consultation Room

Personal Information Protection and Complaint Consultation Office

1045-1 Gojo, Kotohira-cho, Nakatado-gun, Kagawa Prefecture 766-0003 Kotohira Bus Co., Ltd. Personal Information Protection Manager
TEL:0877-73-3331 FAX:0877-73-5946 E-mail: info@kotobus.com

Contact Us
For questions, interviews, collaboration proposals,
and more, feel free to reach out to us.

Contact Form

Kotobus Reservation Center 050-3537-5678 10:00-12:00・13:00-18:00